Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth Entrepreneurship For Weirdos, Misfits, And World Dominators - (Book Review)

The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth Entrepreneurship For Weirdos, Misfits, And World Dominators - (Book Review) Chris Broganprovides strategy and skills for the modern business. He is CEO of Owner Media Group, a sought after public speaker, and theNew York Times bestselling authorof nine books and working on his tenth. Ask him about it! Learn more about him book,The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth, was an easy read and put a lot of spotlighton the ways in which people can create abusiness out of their own weirdness. I loved it.Also Check out the interview I did withChris Broganat the bottom of the page when you’re done with the review!You’re A Freak If…evalevalIn the very first pages of the book, Brogan lets us knowhisdefinition of the word freak, and I don’t disagree with him at all. If any of the following pertain to you, you’re a freak.You don’t fit in without some serious effort.You are not a big fan of settling or compromising.You’re looking for a way to allow your weirdness to be an asset, and not as the deficit that people have tried to convince you it is.Now, withweirdnessbeing loosely defined, I would use that last bullet point to define myself as a freak. I started a blog, that’s weird. I read an average of one book a week, that’s weird.Quit ItBrogan lists some things thatmustbe discontinued in your life if you want to turn that freakiness into a business, no matter how much of a freak you are.Watching TV. Granted, I am somewhat a Netflix junkie, I don’t just randomly spend hours on end watching it if I have other important things that need to be done. I have a to-do list for every day and once that list is finished, then I am free to get on with my shows.“Keeping Up.” Pay attention only to what and who is important to you. I doubt that includes the Kardashians.Following everyone who follows you on social media.More or less goes hand in hand with the previous.Living up to others’ expectations. This may be my favorite from the “quit list.” Don’t worry what other people think about you or your weirdness and don ’t bother trying to fit into the box they put you in.Meetings. Probably the most useful nugget I picked up from this book is to keep meetings at 20 minutes or less unless you are getting paid. I actually try my best to plan my entire daily to-do list in 20-minute increments.Bragging.Gossip. I can’tstandit. Well before reading this book I have been an advocate of not talking about other people when they aren’t around. It doesn’t make you look better than them. It’s really just another form of bullying if you ask me. Talk about important stuff.Hoping the world will like you. Who cares?Doing stuff out of a sense of obligation. This one was a little confusing. I had to read it a few times to understand. Basically, don’t do things because youfeellike you have to. Figure out if you have to or not and then act accordingly.Buying dumb things. I’m still working on this.Final ThoughtsMan, there is still so much to this book that I haven’t covered. Brogan goes over different bu siness models you can use, planning for your future, different skills you need to acquire, etc. I learned a lot more than I expected to from this one. I’d have to say my favorite section of the book is where Brogan goes over sketching a business model.You’ll have to read the book yourself to catch that part, though.If you’re a freak and you want to build a business,Chris Broganhas the blueprint. You can see the interview I did with Chrishere.

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